71 days left...


in 71 Tagen geht es los


To all trikers and friends of the Kinder - Trikefahrt Essen. 
In 71 days it will be time again.

Here is some information about the event:

Our day starts on 01.09.2024 at 9:00 am at Axel Springer Verlag, Im Teelbruch 100, 45219 Essen. Coffee and bread rolls will be available on site at cost price and the arriving vehicles and their crews can be inspected. . 

We will then set off with the children at around 11.00 am. We will be escorted by the Essen police, who, as usual, will be supported exclusively by the registered escort vehicles of the Blue Knights, Red Knights and BiB! As always, we all ride at our own risk and give the security and escort vehicles priority and room to overtake!

The route leads along the Ruhr from Kettwig via Mühleim an der Ruhr back to Werden and across Essen to the car park of the MEDION factory outlet, Schönscheidtstraße 100, 45307 Essen. Here we will take a break for about 2 hours; there will be delicious food from the barbecue, drinks, music and much more. Fauchi and the ActionGroup will also be there as usual.

Afterwards we will drive back to Axel Springer Verlag in Kettwig and safely release the tired and hopefully happy children.

If you have any questions, please contact Markus Gärtner (Pummelfee) at -5SWkZuajZmel42L0ZqMjJqRv5iSnpaT0ZyQkg@nospam

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