Children - trike-ride  


Thank you for participating in the children's ride in Essen on 01.09.2024!

We are working together with our patron and the whole team on the children's ride 2025 in Essen
and will inform you about the new date as soon as possible.


New patron - Andreas Stüve

Andreas Stüve has been Chief of Police in Essen since 2022 and the new patron of the children's ride since 2024.

71 days left...


To all trikers and friends of the Kinder - Trikefahrt Essen. 
In 71 days it will be time again. Here is some information about the event:

Now also on Facebook


In addition to the dates and information about the children's ride, there is now also a presence on Facebook.

Get ready for the next big milestone in your life.

Support seriously ill children with a unique experience on your trike!
