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The first ride

In the spring of 2004, Gaby Thomayer was once again thinking about how to do good with trikes. Through the Internet she knew that in the north of Germany donation trips were organized, with which one drives for money a certain distance and then donates these proceeds for facilities of needy people.

But since she wanted to get away from money altogether and also had to realize again and again that trikes are magnets for children, Gaby started to spin her idea further - and to give the children themselves an unforgettable day.

She contacted 4 different institutions, explained what she had in mind and was passed on with shaking heads. The fastest and most curious facility was the oncology department of Schwabing Children's Hospital.

Out of caution, it was only going to be a family trip, with 10 trikes and the kids. Planned from Munich to Schliersee to a boat rental, whose owner was also affected father and wanted to barbecue for the passengers. But in the course of the planning the interest of the children became ever larger, the Trikes ever more and the father jumped from its project to grill.

Now good advice was expensive.

The nursery school teacher at the clinic said, "There's a lake festival in Schliersee, you can drive us there, we'll walk around the festival and then you can drive us back. Gaby didn't like that, she didn't want to be a cab company.

Why not organize a barbecue where no one has to pay anything? - No sooner said than done... 

Asked an old school friend, who owns a piece of forest, if he would make it available... 
Asked the boys' club if we could have the grill and the beer benches... - These made themselves available also still as "ground personnel"! ... 
And went begging to get everything for now over 200 people. 
Asked their buddy Jimmy if he would beg along and off they went.

Within 14 days they had everything they needed for such a party together.

But now it was a problem to get through Munich in this convoy without tearing off. Many did not know the way. So off to the city of Munich to get permits. No one knew what the crazy woman wanted, and everyone looked at her incredulously. But after a long talk and a lot of persuasion, a police escort was available to guide the troop through Munich.

As a souvenir, she wanted T-shirts for the kiddies! - There was a well-known motorcycle accessories and clothing dealer who made the shirts. An ice cream parlor, which brought us ice cream on the place, was also quickly found. So the adventure children's ride could begin!

On 25.07.2004 the first children's ride was born...
